sabato 31 marzo 2007

The Ethiopian Millennium in less than six months

The celebration of the new millennium should not be used as a political weapon neither by the opposition nor by the Government, because it does not belong to any political party. The New Millennium belongs to the Ethiopian people as a whole, regardless of religion, tribe, sex, age, political party, literacy status, etc. This is the unique opportunity for every Ethiopian, at home or in diaspora, to unite against the perenial negative image of Ethiopia depicted in the minds of lots of people in the West, naturally exceptions like "Friends of Ethiopia" know the other face of Ethiopia, thus every body is responsable as an Ethiopian, to forget about differences and celebrate the new millennium, those in diaspora by coming home, those at home by hosting the millions of people who come to Ethiopia for the new millennium, and become seven years younger than they acctually are, at least by the calender. This is also the best occassion for the first time visitors of Ethiopia to see the country of the millions of years old, LUCY, the birth place of COFFEE, the last resting place of THE ARC OF THE HOLY COVENANT, given to Mosses by GOD, the lowest place on earth, the world heritage of the Lalibella Churches, the famous Axum Oblisks, including the one repatriated after sixty years in exil in Rome, Italy.
A lot more awaits the tourist, in addition to the celebration of the new Millennium.

The Ethiopian Millennium in less than six months

The celebration of the new millennium should not be used as a political weapon neither by the opposition nor by the Government, because it does not belong to any political party. The New Millennium belongs to the Ethiopian people as a whole, regardless of religion, tribe, sex, age, political party, literacy status, etc. This is the unique opportunity for every Ethiopian, at home or in diaspora, to unite against the perenial negative image of Ethiopia depicted in the minds of lots of people in the West, naturally exceptions like "Friends of Ethiopia" know the other face of Ethiopia, thus every body is responsable as an Ethiopian, to forget about differences and celebrate the new millennium, those in diaspora by coming home, those at home by hosting the millions of people who come to Ethiopia for the new millennium, and become seven years younger than they acctually are, at least by the calender. This is also the best occassion for the first time visitors of Ethiopia to see the country of the millions of years old, LUCY, the birth place of COFFEE, the last resting place of THE ARC OF THE HOLY COVENANT, given to Mosses by GOD, the lowest place on earth, the world heritage of the Lalibella Churches, the famous Axum Oblisks, including the one repatriated after sixty years in exil in Rome, Italy.
A lot more awaits the tourist, in addition to the celebration of the new Millennium.

sabato 10 marzo 2007

Lo stigma di fame e guera v/s etiopia

Come un cancro disseminato agli organi adiacenti, lo stigma attacato con 'etiopia e etiopici' senza
discusione e, fame, poverta, desertificatione, ed ora rapina. L'objectiva dell'autore e etiopia ha un'altra faciata nera molto pui bella il quale ha ispirato l'aventuroso degli anni '30 (lasciamo i nomi) di intrapredere quello che stato scrito sui libri di storia.
Quest'ultimo e stato il colpo di grazia per me ed i miei amici amante d'etiopia, sarebe la rapina deigli inglesi, comunque non sara mica cosi facile a discoragiermi, a scrivere di questa terra d'origine d'umanita, cultralment ricca e eletta per volonta di DIO di ospitare THE HOLY ARC OF THE COVENANT per due milla quatrocento otanta e piu anni.
Vieni a vedere etiopia con i toui occhi, perche la poverta lo conosci pero la ricchieza se non lo vedi non poui crederchi.
se hai delle domande vieni e vedi al mio blog